Mass Purple Wedding Promo Afrika Burn 2013


A mass wedding will take place before his holiness Buggering Burning Bishop Loon

You have heard about the Mass Weddings of the Moonies?you know about Reverend Sun Young Moon( a REAL Loonie if you ask me…)
This is what the Bishop has to say about it:

“Every self respecting loony wierdo quasi religious cult (like AB ! )
deserves a mass wedding where confused chaps in purple tutus
exchange morally compromising vows with half naked strangers.

NOW here comes the LOONIES! (yes, thats us! ) with our absolute new Burn Messiah: Buggering Burning Bishop Loon.
Need an in and out dash to the alter to marry your newfound playa playmate to make a frolic in the bushes legal? want to renew your wedding vows? Want the fanfare, the dress, the attention… without all the paperwork and pesky inlaws?

Come on down to the
M*A*S*H*E*D CAMP Saturday at 12.30 noonish

Attire: Purple of all shades, ONLY PURPLE!!!
Bring: your own rings, flowergirls, photographers, cutouts of your mother in law, and a declaration for your love/r

Small print: Your marriage will have an expiry date…the moment you leave for the default world, your vows will fall away and will only be valid again on return to Tankwa Town. If you do not have purple attire you may be married outside the purple cordoned off area. Purple dress code will be enforced by Bishop Loons gatekeepers. Purple bin bags will be provided to make last minute outfits, but noone will be permitted in the church without the correct cult attire.

Thanks to Morne and Craig for the video footage. The original can be seen here:

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